The time between having had your embryo transfer or IUI procedure and your scheduled pregnancy blood test, also known as ‘the 2 week wait’ is often an emotionally difficult time for most patients, and can be a time filled with an array of feelings. What is most...

Counsellor Blog Articles
Counsellor Blog Articles
Coping with end of year festivities and celebrations
As the decorations are hung and invitations arrive to end of year festivities and celebrations, for some patients struggling to conceive, this time of year can be met with mixed emotions. There may be some aspects of this time of year you are looking forward to, perhaps a break from work, some time to socialise and celebrate. However, it is not uncommon for people trying to conceive to find these end of year celebrations difficult to navigate.
Dealing with Social Media in IVF
In a life where we are forever connected via social media and have more knowledge than ever about people’s (often curated) personal lives, it is hard to avoid stories about pregnancies, babies and advice about fertility and fertility treatment. However, social media can have its dark side for people trying to conceive and undergoing fertility treatment, leaving couples people more isolated and confused.
Grief and Infertility
Many patients will tell you that the emotional toll of fertility challenges is harder than the physical. By the time individuals and couples present for counselling, they are likely to be experiencing some form of fertility-related grief.
When treatment takes longer than expected
Everyone who starts fertility treatment is hoping that it will be a quick process before they can announce their good news to friends and family. And for some lucky people, it is. For many patients, however, fertility treatment is a medium to long-term project and adjusting to a longer-term commitment to treatment can feel like a significant challenge.
I do not like needles, how will I cope with fertility treatment?
Having hormones via needles is often a part of fertility treatment. Many people feel anxious about injecting themselves with needles, often for the first time in their lives. This fact sheet is designed to help you manage fertility treatment when you are anxious about using needles for fertility medication.
Celebrating Women’s Health Week – ‘Grow Your Knowledge’
The Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week is Australia’s largest event dedicated to the health and wellbeing of all women. The theme for this year’s Women’s Health Week is ‘Grow Your Knowledge’ which their website states is about supporting women to make informed decisions about their health with information that is easy to understand.
Preparing for Father’s Day
As the first Sunday in September approaches and we’re surrounded by images of happy families celebrating the fathers in their lives, it is important to remember that there will be some men around us who find Father’s Day difficult.
Transitions and Ending Treatment
Assisted reproductive treatment takes enormous energy and commitment. For those who are not achieving a pregnancy and birth easily, each round of treatment requires decision making with the uncertainty regarding outcomes.
Relationships in Treatment – Connection, Communication and Care
Couples starting Treatment come to the experience with both their individual and joint histories and a desire for the relationship to expand and include a baby. This encompasses a range of emotions – excitement, hope, determination, and sometimes, anxiety and worry. When the transition to parenthood is rocky, when there are more hurdles to navigate.
Secondary Infertility
Most couples who fall pregnant easily with their first child, are surprised when they encounter problems conceiving a second time. But secondary infertility – difficulty falling pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to full-term when you have already had a child – is actually quite common.
How to Be the Partner in Infertility Treatment
Whether you are coming through treatment with your female partner, as a single man, or undergoing treatment as a same sex couple using a surrogate, this article is for you.