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Uncategorised Articles

Grief and Infertility

Grief and Infertility

Many patients will tell you that the emotional toll of fertility challenges is harder than the physical. By the time individuals and couples present for counselling, they are likely to be experiencing some form of fertility-related grief.

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Relationships in Treatment – Connection, Communication and Care

Relationships in Treatment – Connection, Communication and Care

Couples starting Treatment come to the experience with both their individual and joint histories and a desire for the relationship to expand and include a baby. This encompasses a range of emotions – excitement, hope, determination, and sometimes, anxiety and worry. When the transition to parenthood is rocky, when there are more hurdles to navigate.

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Egg Freezing with Dr Lynn Burmeister
& special guest Dr Vicki Nott


Discover the Magic
Exclusive Behind-the-scenes Tour

  • 45 min
  • 120 Jolimont Road, East Melbourne
  • Fortnightly, Thursdays at 3 pm